Manga Tarot
(Riccardo Minetti / Anna Lazzerina)
Spring, summer, autumn winter: the seasons are the first measure of time and the cyclic nature of things. One is connected to the other and they transmit the sense of continuity and change in every situation. This Tarot shows a universe of connections and references, constructed around the fantastic epic of the Orient.
The Manga Tarot challenges you with exciting new color schemes and gender inversion: cards usually featuring men have women and vice versa. This plays with the Eastern idea of Yin/Yang and of the idea that all people-and archetypes-have masculine and feminine qualities. It will help you bust through any preconceived beliefs and help you develop astounding new interpretations that transcend anything you've done before.
The Chinese letters printed on the cards, representing seasons associated with suits, returns the aura of mystery and other worldliness that the Tarot once had, and helps put the real magick back into all of your readings. The accompanying booklet explains the inner meanings of each card and provides a relationship-focused reading that you can use right away.
If you love manga and anime art, are entranced by all things from the Far East, or if you just want a new Tarot deck that will open your mind to new potentials and possibilities within a familiar and friendly format, this is the deck you need to use every day.
Manga Tarot
(Riccardo Minetti / Shou Xueting)
Traditional manga style meets the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot in this outstanding new deck. The manga art of these cards captures the graceful, imaginative energy of the form and adds an element of shadow energy that makes Traditional Manga Tarot a true reading deck.
Artist Shou Xueting displays the rich beauty that comes from staying true to the soft surrealism of traditional manga in a way that blends perfectly with the archetypal power of tarot.
Boxed deck (2¾ x 4¾) includes a 78-card deck and instructional booklet