Cheryl Lee Harnish
Cheryl Lee Harnish
Cheryl Lee Harnish
Cheryl Lee Harnish
Cheryl Lee Harnish
Cheryl Lee Harnish

Cheryl Lee Harnish

Path of the Soul Destiny Cards

44-Card Deck and Guidebook

Enjoy the high vibration and loving energy of Path of the Soul, Destiny Cards. Perfect for both self-counsel and professional readings. The cards create stunning spreads and are extremely easy to read and interpret.

Each card contains an intuitively channeled Fractal Art image, which emanates a unique vibration and meaning. Fractals are one of the “new tools” on the planet today to aid us into Ascension. Experience profound spiritual guidance and insight into your Soul’s purpose, inner gifts and spiritual advancement.

Divine Guidance Oracle Cards
44-Card Deck and Guidebook

Walking our path in life isn't always easy. There are times when we need explanation and understanding about what is occurring in our lives or direction as to here we are heading. This stunning deck connects to the heart of the reader, providing meaningful and useful guidance. More than just a tool for divination, the cards aid in developing and strengthening our intuition and our personal connection to our Guides.

Divine Guidance is the follow up deck from the author of the best-selling Path of the Soul, Destiny Cards which have proven themselves for their accuracy and heart-felt messages.

Return of Spirit Oracle Cards
44-Card Deck and Guidebook

The Return of Spirit cards are the third deck in the best-selling series by Cheryl Lee Harnish. This set focuses on the personal, emotional, and daily challenges of life. The messages are three times longer than in the previous decks, providing in-depth detailed guidance and explanation.

The booklet is now a paperback book in miniature size. What hasn't changed is the incredible energy of the fractal art, the heart-filled connection with Spirit, the gold gilded card edges, and the exceptional quality and love that goes into each deck.

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